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77 People Were Arrested in a Drug Crackdown at Sydney's Defqon.1

More than 200 people also received treatment for heat or drug-related illness.
Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

Seventy-seven people were arrested at the Defqon.1 music festival in Sydney on Saturday in a reported drug crackdown by police. Attendees were targeted for drug and alcohol offenses as well as "anti-social" behavior.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, there were 77 drug detections during police searches. Six people were charged with supplying a prohibited drug and more than 200 people received medical attention for heat or drug-related illnesses. Six of those 200 were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The aggressive police tactics were in response to past deaths at the festival. A 26-year-old man died at last year's festival and in 2013, a 23-year-old man died after a reportedecstasy overdose.

The festival, which welcomed more than 25,000 people in attendance, took place at the Sydney International Rowing Centre.