This story is over 5 years old.


Dorial Green-Beckham Fined for Yeezy Cleats

The ever-vigilant NFL will not let you get away with exploiting My Cause, My Cleats.
Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports

Last week, the NFL had its first annual(?) "My Cause, My Cleats" week, which is exactly what it sounds like: a week where the NFL allows players to wear cleats that somehow feature causes close to their hearts. I can't know for sure, because I don't care enough to look it up, but it's a safe bet that there are a bunch of rules and stipulations and 2(a)(iii) sections and whatnot governing what exactly a "cause" is and how the cleats can be adorned. We must have order, and we must have endless delineations of how to achieve it. If the NFL could issue press releases in statute form, it would.


In a very minor victory, players enjoyed a week where they could show a little personality on their shoes and also bring awareness to whatever charities or issues they felt strongly about. Some chose domestic violence, others chose mental health. Dorial Green-Beckham chose Kanye West.

Dorial Green-Beckham is wearing Yeezy cleats today for, in his words, the "Yeezy Foundation." Talk about #CleatsForACause
— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) December 4, 2016

Strictly speaking—and the NFL is always strictly speaking—the Yeezy Foundation is not a real thing. It's a clothing line designed by Kanye West for Adidas. DeAndre Hopkins was fined $6,000 earlier in the year for wearing the same cleats because they are banned under the NFL's rigid uniform policy. But maybe, on this #MyCauseMyCleats Sunday, the cleats would be OK. I mean, some of these cleats are outrageous looking, and it's just good vibes all around, right?


Dorial Green-Beckham was fined $6,076 for wearing unapproved cleats last week. He wore Kanye West cleats with no charity connection.
— Tim McManus (@Tim_McManus) December 9, 2016

I really want to know what the extra $76 dollars was for. Sheer brazenness? Or Maybe it's a special Philly shout-out. Either way, it's obviously absurd—yet another example of the NFL pounding its gavel and screaming "I will have order!" because someone is whispering in the back of the courtroom.