The End Of This D-III Football Game Is Bananas


This story is over 5 years old.


The End Of This D-III Football Game Is Bananas

Cortland beat Ithaca when a botched field goal attempt turned into a touchdown. The holder forgot to go out on the field, eventually got out there and received an awful snap, but picked it up and threw the game-winning touchdown.

This nearly two-minute clip has everything: head-scratching failure, bone-headed failure, regular-old failure, and, finally, redemption.

With the ball inside the Ithaca College five-yard line, Cortland trailed their rival by a field goal with about 30 seconds left in the game and really should have lost with the amount of shit they did wrong. Instead, they won the game on a crazy final sequence. On third down, with the clock running, Cortland opted to run for little or no gain right into the middle of the line. Short of the first down, Cortland sent the field goal unit out, minus one very important person: the holder.

Luke Hinton eventually made his way out there to accept the snap and Cortland looked back in business. Then the long snapper burned approximately 75 worms with his "snap." That's when the goat became the hero. Hinton picked up the rolling ball, avoided disaster, and flared out to the flat to throw a game-winning touchdown to beat Ithaca in the Cortaca Jug for the fifth straight year. The play-by-play guys go appropriately nuts.

h/t Deadspin