This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


So, your wife is a bit possessive. It's no biggie, it's almost nice at times, to know she wants you for herself. I mean, it's better than her not giving a shit right? When you are making fucky eyes at your neighbor over your garden fence and she catches you you think, "Oh, here we go again, the third degree, Jeez." But the third degree never comes and eventually you just slip into bed and turn in for the night. Then you are woken by the spectacle of your own penis in flames because that crazy bitch "Wanted to burn your penis so it belongs to her and no one else." And then you die. Wow, not so flattering now is it? Let's hope that the guy who tried to attach a nut to his penis to impress his bride reads this; it might make him feel a bit better.