This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog

Real-life supporters of Nick Griffin go bananas in Swansea

Nick Griffin on Question Time was the funniest thing we've seen on the BBC for years. What an amazing performance he delivered. We'll leave it up to the ten billion other blogs talking about it right now to pontificate on whether or not he should be voted Surrealist Comedian of the Year 2009, "British Aboriginal genocide" anyone? For now, please watch this footage we shot at a rally organised by the rumoured-to-be-closely-affiliated-with-the-BNP organisation, the Welsh Defence League.

The WDL claims it has no links to Griffin's party or fascism at all, but from what I saw and heard while filming a feature with Leo Leigh about Swansea, I'm not so sure.

We have to point out here that "Johnny", who is the Welsh Defence League's Facebook moderator, and who kindly let us into his home to interview him, has recently distanced himself from the majority of people who turned up to support the WDL's completely non-violent, non-racist rally. See here for yourself just how it all "went down".

[flv: 529 297]