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Vice Blog


Thank god Mills and Boon have teamed up with The Rugby Football Union. That gap in the sports-related literary porn market has been hanging wide open for far too long. According to Clare Somerville, the sales and marketing director at Mills and Boon, the eight new books in this series promise "hot sex, but in a rugby context".

"Oh take me Hot Rod, take me like the filthy bitch I am" she whispered into Roderick's cauliflower ear.
Roderick squeezed her breast with his rough, scrum-half hands and pushed himself inside her like a Left Winger sprinting up to the try-line.


You've got to admire this rebranding from the powers that rugby. So who else could benefit from a link up with the Romance giants?

Transport for London

Delayed Pleasure
Randy Stanley, an East End lad with more than cockney on his mind, is a charmer, a love rat and the sort of guy who pushes his hard ons into vibrating bus seats. But is he about to have his life turned upside down by Helga, the stern Swedish bus driver?

British Legion

Poppies In For A Quickie
Miriam Jizzingford has spent the years since her husband's death on the battlefield, knocking door to door, selling his remembrance poppies. But is she about to have her life turned upside down when she gets knocked up by the rich widower Godfrey Huntingmuff?

Church of England

Lord of Mercy
Church organist Martin Awkward has never had much luck in love. But is he about to have his life turned upside down by the leather fetishist, S&M fanatic, and church flower arranger, Daisy Elderflower?

Institute of Chartered Surveyors

New Horizons
Boris Johannson has never had much trouble with erections, being a top class chartered surveyor and champion squash player. But with his new secretary making some radical new imprints on his blueprints, is he about to have his life turned upside down?

General Motors

Give Me The Horn
The American car industry is getting fucked from every direction, and so is their line manager Buck Raggedy. But is he about to have his life turned upside down by green activist and part time stripper Jaynee McQueen?