This story is over 5 years old.


Steampunk Has Officially Been Murdered By Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, the canadian internet hate magnet, who is also a pop singer, has decided to adopt steampunk fashion for the video to his cover of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town".

From the Submission Board:

Steampunk, the neo-Victorian sci-fiction subculture, has its first celebrity following (we all knew that it was just a matter of time) but it is doubtful that anyone would have thought it would end up being Justin Bieber.

Yes, the Canadian Internet hate magnet, who is also a pop singer, has decided to adopt steampunk fashion for the video to his cover of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” What steampunk has to do with Santa Claus is unknown at this juncture but what is known is that the teenage girls’ wet dream has blown the death knell for the subculture.

Now, I’m not the first the first to call it. There are countless other articles spread far and wide across the Internet claiming famous people would destroy steampunk probably dating back to 2002 when the genre, as we know it today, was in its infancy. But I’m not sure how Steampunkers are going to react when the embodiment of the X Factor pop singer generation shows up with a Phileas Fogg mustache and a brass plated pneumatic robot arm on the Disney Channel’s movie awards.

Perhaps the only way to the dying, soon-to-be-in-a-Hot-Topic-near-you subculture is if Brian Blessed converts and begins wearing a bowler with attached goggles. It would definitely set it back on the course which it seems to have strayed far from.