This story is over 5 years old.


Vintage Book Covers Get the Animation Treatment

Don't judge a cover by its book.
GIF and screencaps via

Used bookstores are a treasure trove for the minimalist art, and now visual artist Henning M. Lederer is giving them a modern update. The school of visual thought that first took hold of the publishing industry in the 1960s propagated thousands of circles, squares, triangles, repeating patterns, and solid colors across the faces of psychology textbooks, classic novels, philosophy treatises, and more. "How would these great book covers from the past look like when set in motion?" Lederer asks in the video's description. Our answer? Mesmerizing.


Check out his new short film, Covers, below to see what we mean.

Keep up with Henning M. Lederer's work on his website.


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