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VICE Sports World News Roundup: October 20

Start your day with VICE Sports. Here's our morning roundup of the sports news from around the world.
Robert Lewandowski. Photo Credit: Facundo Arrizabalaga, EPA

Good morning, America. Welcome to the VICE Sports World News Roundup. Be sure to stop by daily for your morning headlines.

It's the 20th of October, 2015, and Sepp Blatter is still, technically, president of FIFA.

Speaking of FIFA, the world governing body announced the shortlist for the Ballon d'Or. I figure Messi will win the men's prize again, and my money's on Carli Loyd for the women's prize.

Tonight marks week 3 of the Champions League. The pick of the fixtures is definitely Arsenal vs. Bayern Munich. Bayern striker Robert Lewandowski has been talking a bit of smack about the Gunners, saying this match is their last chance to qualify for the next round. Arsenal are in last place in their group, with zero points.


Jose Mourinho gave an interesting interview to the Irish Times. It's full of all kinds of subtext. Eg.: "You know, I feel sorry that somebody lost his job. And it is quite sad that football in this moment – even in this country – is happy with it.

"I'm not speaking about Jurgen, I've a good relationship with him and nothing will change that. I'm speaking about the circumstances that made Brendan [Rodgers] lose his job. I don't like people being excited that a new manager is coming. I don't like a player to say: 'Now, we are going to give extra to prove to the new manager.' Give to Brendan! Not to the new manager."

Jose Mourinho. Photo Credit: Sergey Dolzhenko, EPA

The fallout continues after rugby referee Craig Joubert's controversial decision to award a late penalty kick to Australia in the quarterfinals of the Rugby World Cup. Australia won by a single point and Joubert essentially fled the scene, literally running off the field without shaking hands with the players. Now even World Rugby, the sport's governing body, admits Joubert made a mistake. He should have ruled a scrum for Australia rather than a penalty kick.

Photo of the Day

It may still be preseason, but these kids racing during the Celtics' halftime show do not care.

Photo Credit: CJ Gunther, EPA