This story is over 5 years old.


Legally Illegally Download a Bunch of Zeds Dead Swag

Breaking the law is fun.

Breaking the law is awesome, but going to jail sucks. Thankfully, just in time for Canada Day, bass-grazers Zeds Dead have found a way for you to BitTorrent their tunes, but keep the RIAA outta your hard drive for another day (and we all know the weird shit you have hidden in the dark corners of your hard drive).

The perpetual game changers are releasing a (totally legal) BitTorrent bundle replete with one unreleased track, the entirety of their 2008 LP Fresh Beets, a mix, a music video, and a bunch of cool art -- not to mention the stems for their recently released "Hadouken."

All you sneaky e-thieves gotta do is follow this link and then it's party time. The duo's upcoming "Somewhere Else" EP drops July 1st, you can preview some of it here. Peep Perry Farrell on the last tune.

Zed's dead, baby:
Zeds Dead Meet Up for Coffee With Zedd in New Orleans
Watch Zeds Dead & Paper Diamond Go Full Ricky on Their Tour Bus

Ok, wait, is it Zedd's Dead? Wait, no Zed is Dead, right? Ugh. Still confused after all these years - @JemayelK