This story is over 5 years old.


This Dude's Russell Westbrook Impression is so Good Even Westbrook Loves It

Sometimes an impression is so good, even the original has to admit it. This is one of those times.

Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) in game facial expressions be like… vs. His Player Picture. feat. @That_Guyy23
— B.A. (@BdotAdot5) July 13, 2015

This dude absolutely nails everything about Russell Westbrook; the total control of his out-of-control body, the slashing movement, the just straight-up insanity of Westbrook's celebrations, they're all there to perfection. My personal favorites, though, are the leaning jump shot and his insistence that someone high five him. And the arm sleeve.

When an impression is this good, even the man who inspired it has to admit it.

Lol hahahahaha RT @BdotAdot5: Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) in game facial expressions be …
— Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) July 13, 2015

h/t Bleacher Report