This story is over 5 years old.


NASA Killed Michael Jackson for Stealing Their Moonwalk Thunder

In related news, the FDA killed Kurt Cobain not long after "Lithium" became a single.

This guy thinks that NASA hired some kind of high-tech hit squad and offed the King of Pop so that Googling ‘moonwalk’ wouldn’t bring up a dance move in the search results. In related news, it has been discovered that the FDA killed Kurt Cobain for issuing “Lithium” as a single.

This segment is evidently from an episode of the BBC show Q! that aired two years ago. Reddit has meme-ified it, naturally:


Bonus: The only YouTube comments on the post thus far are:

“Actually behind these jokes is a real truth.”
-sidrahsiddiqui 3 months ago “That’s actually plausible.”
-MicroMouse007 7 months ago

And if I’ve learned anything from the internet, it’s never doubt the wisdom of anonymous YouTube commenters.
