Francesa of Thrones: "Mike" Takes Your Calls on Game of Thrones


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Francesa of Thrones: "Mike" Takes Your Calls on Game of Thrones

The Mike Francesa impersonator is back with another great video, this time New York's Number One talks 'Game of Thrones.'

From the guy who brought you "Mike Zaun 1776" comes Francesa of Thrones, in which Mike Francesa waxes authoritative about George R.R. Martin's and HBO's series about medieval sex and violence. It's the same concept as "1776" and his other works—which you should check out if you have a weird hate/love relationship with the gruff and bumbling New York sports radio host—and it's a simple one: Mike Francesa talks about Game of Thrones like he would sports. Which is to say, Mike Francesa talks about Game of Thrones like a know-it-all who actually knows very little, predicts the exact opposite of what actually happens, and hold his audience in utter, utter contempt.

All of this is artfully performed with Francesa's ridiculous accent and verbal peccadilloes, showcasing the egomania that makes a statement like "Me and Tywin did own horses to together…he did want me to be on the small council. I told him no, because I'd have to take a paycut" not only possible, but believable.

h/t The Buzzer