This story is over 5 years old.


If You Don’t Believe That Beta Boys Love Hard Rock Music, Listen to This

The Kansas City punks upped and left for Olympia but thankfully kept their stolid Germs like dirge.

​Image: Bandcamp

When people would say a singer had snotty vocals I'd jokingly picture someone with phlegm and snot running down their throat. But listening to "No Solution", the opening track on the  new Beta Boys​ EP Oh Wow​!​! Hard Rock Music​!​! I Love It​!​! I think vocalist Trevor McCarthy actually does have slow moving mucus in his windpipe.

Originally from Kansas City​, it seems that the band grew tired of playing in basements with Mid Western punks so moved to Olympia, Washington to play in basements with punks with weirder haircuts​.  Thankfully, their stolid Germs like punk remains.


I pretty much thrashed my copy of their Real Rockers EP that came out on Lumpy records​ so I was excited to see that they have a new release coming out on Italian label Goodbye Boozy​.

Recorded at The Chum Bucket in Kansas City the three tracks blast out fire and brimstone punk rock. By the time 2016 comes to an end it's important that everyone has heard the song "High on Drugs"​.

'Oh Wow! Hard Rock Music! I Love It!! will be available early 2017 on Goodbye Boozy.