This story is over 5 years old.


Todd's People - Genesis Is A Good Girl

Our friend Todd's still making friends in Chicago. I guess they can't all be knife-wielding self-immolators who kick the shit out of people for God.

Humboldt Park is a mostly Puerto Rican neighbourhood on the Northwest side of Chicago. If you walk down Paseo Boricua, the area’s main business artery, you’ll pass between two metal Puerto Rican flags weighing 45-tonnes each. From there, you can take a right or a left onto Division Street, which couldn’t be named more appropriately. There are loitering gangs, cops chasing thieves, thieves chasing thieves and an increasingly huge gap between the rich and the poor.


Genesis grew up a few blocks off Division. I met her through her brothers who work with me at my shitty warehouse job. Some mornings before work, they roll through the alley behind my house, honk, and greet me with bass pounding from their subs and a fat blunt.

Genesis doesn’t smoke blunts, though. Although her life’s been directly affected by the constant whirl of police and gangs, she stays sweet, combining her love of candy and taking long walks through the ‘hood with her girls. And she goes perfect with flowers.

VICE: Hey, what’s up Genesis?
Genesis: What’s up Todd? What are you doing out here in the rain?

Waitin’ for you two. Where are you going?
Today we’ve just been riding around. When Celi gets off of work, we meet up and just walk around. Rain, shine or snow. Right now, we’re going to the corner store.

Can I come with?

You want to tell everybody where we are?
Humboldt Park.

Where do you live?
Humboldt Park.

Where are you gonna live forever?
Humboldt Park. Haha. You’re stupid.

This area is filled with gangs. Doesn’t that bother you?
No, I’ve always been around gangs, though during my earlier years I was sheltered from them until I chose to hang out with them for myself. The set in my neighbourhood was called Dark Crystal. That’s at the corner of Crystal and Washtenaw. There’s also Potomac and Rockwell, they call that the Twilight Zone. Murder Town’s at Cortez and Washtenaw. These are all little groups in bigger gangs in Humboldt Park, that’s how they distinguish themselves.


You seem to know a lot about it.
I never was a part of it, though it made me grow up way too fast. I’ve had a lot of good times in Humboldt Park, but the bad memories always seem to outshine the good ones. I knew a guy who passed in a shooting, who transformed the lives of everyone close to me in one night. I’ve seen the innocence die and the bitterness and resentment grow into the hearts of my loved ones. All this due to gang violence.

Do a lot of your friends have similar experiences?
In my circle, most haven’t had really bad things happen. Ceri, can you watch the bike while I get some snacks?

Ceri: What are you gonna get?

Hot Puffs, Sunflower Seeds, Takis, chocolate and something fruity. At least one of everything.

Like most Chicagoans, you’ve got Jordans on. How many pairs do you own?
Five or Six. I wear them most of the time, but people aren’t wearing them as much any more. It’s all about skinny jeans and Vans now.

So,what’s up tonight?
We’re waiting for our friends, Jonathan and Jess. We’re gonna walk around a lot. We’ll call some people, see if they’re out. Drink, smoke, but I don’t smoke or do drugs. Some people misinterpret us when we’re out, like some of the older people. We’re stereotyped because we’re from the Puerto Rican part of town, but we’re just having fun.

Well have a good night!