This story is over 5 years old.


Time for Some More Issue Launch Parties

They're the last ones of the year so you better come along.

Another new issue of VICE Magazine, another round of parties. Just because at this stage it's kind of Pavlovian, doesn't mean it's not gonna be great. Due to the celebrations that usually take place at the end of December, we're shifting this set forwards a tad – so we'll kick off in Manchester next Tuesday (13th), before heading on to Leeds and Nottingham (14th), Bristol (15th), Brighton (16th) and then returning to London for Thursday 22nd. Because it's KKKhristmas, we'll be holding competitions on Twitter in which we'll give one person from each party city a £50 bar tab and a subscription to the mag. Music will come from Gross Magic, Eagulls, Peacesigns, Gold Teeth, Fanzine, No Bones, Esben & The Witch and a bunch of other people. Find out everything you need to know here.