This story is over 5 years old.


Qatar Would Launch the World's Largest Fireworks Show the middle of the day.

Never mind the global recession. If there were any doubt that Qatar is the fastest growing economy in the world, the country’s museum authority is putting it to rest by, naturally, launching the largest daytime fireworks display in history.

The display was orchestrated by the famous Grucci family, which mounts the 4th of July fireworks spectaculars over New York City, and Cai Guo-Qiang, the Chinese “gunpowder” artist who enveloped the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in fireworks and whom Motherboard profiled in a video piece last year. Cai is in Doha for a big new show of his work, called “Saraab,” which means “mirage” in Arabic.

Read the rest at Motherboard.