This story is over 5 years old.


Play Drum Beats By Touching Beets (Yes, The Actual Vegetable)

Scott Garner’s BeetBox turns vegetables into a drum machine.

BeetBox from Scott Garner on Vimeo.

It’s easy to dismiss fruit and vegetables as just food, but you’d be foolish to think they’re incapable of so much more. They’re not just delicious morsels to eat, or force feed kids who just want to munch candy, they can be used as batteries to power lamps and even play live electronic music.

Sticking with the musical theme, artist Scott Garner—who previously brought a still life painting to interactive life—has created an instrument that lets you play drums using beetroots called…wait for it… BeetBox!


Powered by a Raspberry Pi computer housed inside a wooden box, users touch the beets to play beats, so you can hit the vegetables and start laying down the foundation of a killer track while also looking like you’re in a Monty Python sketch. Garner explains his motivations:

BeetBox is primarily an exploration of perspective and expectations. I'm particularly interested in creating complex technical interactions in which the technology is invisible—both in the sense that the interaction is extremely simple and in the literal sense that no electronic components can be seen.

Sure it might not last too long once the rot sets in, but It was worth creating for the pun alone.

[via Design Boom]
