This story is over 5 years old.


A Molecular Look At Creativity In Grizzly Bear's "Gun-Shy"

Director Kris Moyes takes a close look at the bands blood, sweat, and tears.

Grizzly Bear are a band who like to take the viewer on a journey in their music videos, whether that be a surreal trip through Alison Schulnik‘s claymation wonder worlds or Emily Kai Bock’s evocative film of an ice skater who falls through the rink. Their latest video for track “Gun-Shy,” by director Kris Moyes, continues this trend and is a twitchy GIF-like look at the band’s skin, finger nails, sweat, ear wax, blood, and hair.


After extracting said material we peak at it on a microscopic level to look at the oozing and pulsing molecular forms that underpin the band’s creativity. “The idea came from a question:- if the creative energy of any living organism could be seen, what would it look like?” the director asks on the band’s Tumblr. “This is an invitation for a very rare glimpse of what creative energy could look like on a molecular level, if it could be seen.”

You can check out some GIFs from the video below.

And watch Bock’s video for “Yet Again.”

[via Vimeo]
