Patriots DT Chris Jones Sleeps With the Piggies


This story is over 5 years old.


Patriots DT Chris Jones Sleeps With the Piggies

Patriots defensive tackle Chris Jones has two pet pigs and these are pictures of them in blankets.

Simba says good morning, everyone!
— Christopher D Jones (@DstoneJones) February 21, 2015

New England Patriots defensive tackle Chris Jones has a couple of pet pigs and of the six pictures on his twitter feed, three of them are pig pics. This one, as you can see, is named Simba and he is without a doubt the most content and happy pig in a blanket you'll ever see. Jones and his wife also recently got a piglet, Ellie, who also looks delicious happy wrapped in a blanket.

Our new piglet Ellie
— Christopher D Jones (@DstoneJones) December 20, 2014

Hopefully these are actually adorable pet pictures and not some bizarre metaphor for football snacks. Either way, Simba, we should all be so lucky to wake up with such gusto and joy. You've got life pretty well figured out.

h/t Ben Volin