This story is over 5 years old.


What Your Body Does When It Gets Really Scared

Just letting you know. bq. *"The hypothalamus, positioned in the brain, activates the "suprarenal medulla": The suprarenal medulla releases adrenaline into the bloodstream and numerous responses in...

Just letting you know.

“The hypothalamus, positioned in the brain, activates the suprarenal medulla. The suprarenal medulla releases adrenaline into the bloodstream and numerous responses in the body ensue. The pupils of the eyes dilate. Hair stands on end. If the skin is broken, blood will readily coagulate to prevent severe loss. The chest expands to increase the volume of inhaled air. The bronchioles relax, allowing a greater volume of oxygen to enter the lungs. The heart dilates, increasing the blood output. Blood pressure rises. Muscles contract. Blood vessels near the surface of the skin contract, causing the skin to pale. Other blood vessels dilate, and the liver releases glucose, which provides fuel for the muscles. And the bladder empties stored urine in cases of extreme fear.”