This story is over 5 years old.


Starsmith Brightens Our Lives in Episode Five of The Producers

He makes pretty girls famous with his big computer.

The new series of The Producers just keeps coming. In episode five, the star of the show is producer and DJ Starsmith. As a producer he's worked with Cheryl Cole, Kylie Minogue and Ellie Goulding. Now you can see how he makes that magic happen for reals at the Red Bull Studios with new singer-songwriter Elkka. You can watch the episode in the player above or over on the dedicated video page, here.


If you've missed any of the second series of The Producers you can catch up here. If you're afraid to click that link because you don't know what The Producers is, the craic is we lure six of the world's most exciting producers into joining us at the Red Bull Studios in London. We then study, analyse and admire what they do, before setting it before you in documentary form.