This story is over 5 years old.

Question Of The Day

What's the Most Altruistic Thing You've Ever Done?

"I didn’t sleep for four days when my sister was in labour."

The other day, a group of strangers saved a toddler from falling to her death. Which was very nice of them, as well as being the kind of thing you'd probably expect any group of strangers to do for a toddler. Inspired by those strangers' random of act kindness, I went to ask some people what the most altruistic thing they've ever done is.

Then, just so it didn't get too self-congratulatory, I asked them what the shittiest thing they've done to someone is, too.


Camelia: I didn’t sleep for four days when my sister was in labour.

VICE: That's pretty nice. What about the meanest?
I did cheat on my ex-boyfriend once. That was quite mean.

Did he deserve it?
I guess so; he wasn’t really filling his end of the relationship. I’m getting married soon, so it’s all worked out.

Finley: I’m not really sure.

Okay. In that case, what’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done?
Well, I gave a friend his first joint.

I'll count that as both.

Sophia: I took my sister on holiday when she finished her exams.

And the meanest?
The meanest? Well, I’m not a mean person. Although, I once threw an avocado at my sister when she was getting ready for a date because I was angry at her. She had to change.

I guess you made up for that with the holiday.

Lisa: Help someone get a job, I guess.

What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done?
Cut my boyfriend’s credit card up. He was about to go on a trip.

Why did you do that?
He pissed me off.


Previously - Should Trenton Oldfield Be Deported?