Sagittarius, April 2018
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Sagittarius, April 2018

Aries season is here and you're in a good mood.

Welcome to Aries season, Sagittarius! You’re in a playful, flirtatious, and creative mood, since the Sun is activating one of the most fertile and celebratory sectors of your chart. Sure, Mercury is retrograde, which is causing miscommunications and delays—but it also means you’re going to run into some crushes from your past, and I can’t remember the last time that made a Sag sad. Mercury retrograde is a time to slow down and reflect, and some realizations will arrive on April 1 when the Sun meets with Mercury.


A few bumps in the road are ahead: Mercury will clash with Mars on April 4, and it’ll also clash with Saturn on April 5. These transits will find people in an argumentative mood, and we’ll all have to confront some blocks around communication, so don’t plan a date to catch up with a lover or creative partner who reemerges on one of these days! Mercury will square off again with Saturn later in the month—on April 25, to be exact—but by that point, Mercury will be direct, so even though people will still be in a shitty mood, at least things will feel like they’re moving forward.

Remember: During a Mercury retrograde, it’s best to avoid making important decisions, signing contracts, traveling, and making important purchases. (Mercury rules commerce in addition to communication.)

Speaking of commerce, some sweet pay-offs will arrive for your hard work and diligence on April 7, when Venus connects with Saturn. While this could totally mean you’ll receive money for a gig you did, it could also mean seeing good results from a habit you’ve committed to… so congrats! Things will flow easily, and they’ll continue to feel exciting when your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter, connects with Pluto on April 14. This will not only boost your psychic abilities but also reveal some much-needed resources to you that were previously hidden or inaccessible.

On April 15, Mercury retrograde ends, and there’s a new moon in Aries— finally, things will start to move forward! This is a brilliant time to cast a love spell, or to break out your art supplies and create something beautiful. It’s also a fantastic time for meditation; you’ll be able to connect with your inner voice in a unique way as the planet of communication shifts directions and the new moon generates a transfixing atmosphere. In short, this will bring a much-needed fresh start around the themes you have been working on throughout Aries season.


Venus opposes your planetary ruler Jupiter on April 17, creating an exciting yet overindulgent mood. Some invitations to party hard will arrive, but try to be responsible. April 18 is another exciting day to watch for, as the Sun will meet with Uranus, bringing big surprises to your love life and your creative life. This is a powerful time to break free from old patterns. A surprising new crush may form, or something unexpected and thrilling may happen with someone you’re in love with. Brilliant creative breakthroughs will arrive! You’re a visionary, Sagittarius, and this is certainly a time for you to be fearless about doing your own thing.

Taurus season starts on April 19, finding the Sun shining down on the sector of your chart that rules your daily routines and rituals. This is a wonderful time to break a bad habit, get organized, or work out issues in your schedule. Mars connects with Jupiter on April 24, generating a productive and confident energy and helping you get shit done.

Venus enters Gemini on April 24, bringing blessings to the relationship sector of your chart. Sweet Venus is very charming in chatty air sign Gemini, encouraging open and kind communication between the people with whom you connect—be they your lovers, your friends, or your colleagues. You might even exchange some kind words with someone you can’t stand!

A full moon in Scorpio will arrive on April 29, illuminating a very sensitive sector of your chart and finding you processing many deep and complicated emotions, many of which you had repressed or hadn’t known how what to do with (or maybe weren’t even aware of at all!). This might sound scary, but I’m sure you know that a good cry is healthy and healing. The catharsis brought on by this full moon will find you releasing all that bullshit you no longer need to lug around through life.

Secrets will also come to light at this time, and your dreams are going to be especially active and revealing. Don’t overbook yourself now, Sag, as full moons are tiring, and you’ll need to catch up on rest and time alone. Thankfully, the Sun makes a harmonious connection with Saturn on this day, too, creating a grounding, supportive energy,

Good luck this month, Sagittarius, and see you in May!