This story is over 5 years old.


Watch iPhone 7 Parts Get Shredded

This is a great stress reliever.

This article originally appeared on Motherboard. 

Need some stress relief? This might help. Watching a bunch of iPhone 7 parts and accessories get destroyed in a shredder is somehow cathartic.

In this YouTube video by Fifastar, these bits and pieces get chucked into a shredder. It doesn't take long before the teeth of the shredder swallow up the screens and cases and instantly crush them to pieces.

For your amusement, the video adds a slow motion replay of the screen, caught in the middle of the shredder. You can hear the snap and crackling of its innards, before nearly instantaneously disintegrating into broken up shards that fall through the rest of the shredder's teeth toward the ground below.

The video goes on to show other iPhone accessories get destroyed as well. For instance, a couple plastic cases and even one with leather bound to it. The soft rubbery cases were the most resistant to initial destruction by the shredder because they were able to twist and turn with its movements.

The last to go through the shredder are a pair of earbuds wrapped around a plastic frame. It's hard to tell how destroyed they get, given how thin the chord is, but it looks as if the chord could have been severed. Maybe symbol of the new iPhone without a headphone jack.

In any event, this mesmerizing destruction is the perfect kind of distracting relief we need as political hysteria and other emotions get heightened.