This story is over 5 years old.


Your Favorite Band: Guns N Roses

Swimming in the swimming hole with Axl Rose and Shana Cleveland.

For this new installment of Your Favorite Band, Shana Cleveland of The Curious Mystery takes us down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

Down in the meadow always wet, we were living in tents and eating black apples when you drove up with your swimming pool and $200 dinners every night and said we could go anywhere. First we went to the stand to get some more apples and then back to change for a swim.


We dipped in slowly though the water was just right, a little cold maybe but the late sun burned in my hair. You looked so quietly pleased and I thought you must really know how to live.

We're up to our necks and I’m bobbing up and down, just watching the water ripple and thinking of how I’m cold stoned. Just then Nathan starts singing this Guns N Roses song that everyone knows and I begin asking some small questions to get at larger answers. I know that they’re out there.

Then I say something to myself. Something like "score one for the bad guys," which is something I often say to myself. Nathan says when he used to ride horses here and there were girls who rode horses and Holy…! We all know what that’s like…Holy..! And Christ I think this sunlight is coming down alright.

The water feels so good, I think about getting in deeper. The dogs keep running in and out of the hills, having a real good time. I say "who was that that Slash was really dating?" And I swear they all respond in unison, and with the sun shooting off as it is, all over everything, I feel my skin crawl just a little.

Go see The Curious Mystery on tour. Click HERE for facts and information. 

Previously - Your Favorite Band: Adele