This story is over 5 years old.

Friday Live!

Livestream: Someone Just Gatecrashed Our Awkward Blind Date

You might recognise him if you tuned in last week.

[livestream src='' width='640' height='900']

Everyone knows having to work on a Friday is a total injustice. But until we have our paymasters' heads on spikes and implement the four-day week, why not while away the next few hours watching two strangers having an awkward first date?

This week, we've got an old punk rocker called Bruno Wizard. He has his own biopic, used to be in bands called The Homosexuals and The Rejects and starred in our awkward kissing video that a ton of people watched:

We'll be broadcasting live from the same lovenest as last week: the flat above our London pub, The Old Blue Last.

Watch the highlights from last week's #LiveAwkwardDate livestream here.