This story is over 5 years old.


VICE Fashion - Happy Families

Parents are never as liberal as they would like to be.

Photography: Daniel Josefsohn

StylisT: Ingrid Junker Subon

Hair and Makeup: Pascale Jean-Louis

Coordination: Hily Perlson and Hector Muelass

Detlef (dad)

: I belong to the Woodstock generation. We tried to change the world, we had dreams. I really liked the Rolling Stones but our kid likes dead sounds. She loves to consume. One of the things that shocks me the most is when I see those clothes that she buys, they look like if they were worn but they are new! My clothes would look worn cause I’d be rolling in mud at some punk concert.


Antje (daughter)

: My parents don’t understand the lifestyle of our generation. I don’t like them telling me what I have to wear, where I have to go or if I’m wearing a lot of make up.

Antje (15) is wearing jacket, skirt, parfume and boots by Elternhaus, Dettlef (father) is wearing a pullover by Dean & Tyler, Irmhild is wearing a scarf by Dean & Tyler


Lazlo (dad)

: Our kids love music but I wouldn’t call it music at all. For example, Stefan plays drums in a very noisy band. They call it “metal” but for me it’s just ugly noise. Nothing like some good old traditional folk. Gabor is gay. He told us about it when he was 17. We didn’t know how to react, it’s something difficult to understand for our generation, even if we all look like we accept everything. Our youngster, Sarah, lives on her own for quite some time now. We try to tolerate our kids’ decisions.

Kids’ group statement

: Our parents can’t understand the changes and important decisions we are going through. One of us is gay and the other left home at 18. It’s not that we dislike them but their generation was totally different than ours.

Stefan (20) is wearing jeans by Levi’s, Gabor (19) is wearing shoes by K-Swiss, jeans by Guru,

shirt by Dou3le and leather blazer by Levi’s, Sarah (18) is wearing shoes and skirt by Onitsuka.

Carola (mum)

: What I don’t like about this young generation is that they’re totally fun oriented and they don’t have the same interests as our generation had, for example, politics. I was really into politics but I also liked The Who, Deep Purple and Pink Floyd. I was living in the former GDR so it was impossible to get any drugs but people would mix loads of alcohol to get high. Nowadays, I’m a protestant preacher.


Magdalena (daughter)

: The biggest problem with my mother is that she is totally dedicated to her job and she hardly spends time with me. I would like her to spend more time at home and do things together but it never works.

Magdalena (17) is wearing shoes by PF Flyers, jacket by Adidas and top by Viola Scmieskors

Suse (mum)

: My daughter Luna is an exact mirror image of me when I was her age. Luna even listens to the same music that I liked back then, namely punk. The only difference is that my daughter is somewhat wiser and less naïve about life than I was: she doesn’t give in to peer pressure and does her own thing. She doesn’t drink or smoke or do drugs yet. She knows what she wants and will quit school this year to follow a music career.

Luna (daughter)

: My mother is not as tolerant as she wants to look like. I dropped out from school this year to pursue my music career and I know she’s not happy about it. I also want to have tattoos and piercings but she doesn’t let me do it. Parents are never as liberal as they would like to be.

Luna (16) is wearing shoes by Converse and backpack by Miss Sixty

Pascale (dad)

: Though the kids are still young, they are a lot more self-confident than us when we were kids. Unfortunately, the role models that are available to them today are ‘fast-lane-to-stardom’ popstars. The kids love the shit that’s on Kiss-FM and we find it profoundly annoying. Whereas their father, who used to be a DJ, tries to make them listen to other things to no avail. It doesn’t seem to work.

Kids’ group statement

: Our parents are obsessed with order and cleaning. It’s impossible to have a toy or something out of its place. It freaks them out literally. We also don’t like that they don’t let us watch some movies or watch some books when they do it. We want to see what adults see but they don’t let us do it.

Flo (father) is wearing shoes by Adidas and knit jacket by Dean & Tyler, Kaya (10) is wearing sneakers by Adidas