This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


Tying me up.
Ahhh! Let me out you weirdo! What are you going to do, nick my stuff? Punch my face? Why can't I touch you? Touching is clearly the best thing about sex. If the bonds aren't tight enough then do you want me to free myself or do I pretend I'm still tethered so I don't insult your knotsmanship? Frankly, unless I have a hand free to fub myself off before actually fucking then I'm not convinced I can hold an erection anyway, so instead I'll just watch it bouncing over my lap like a deflating balloon. How horrible for everyone.


Insisting on playing 'rape' in the bedroom.
On the face of it this looks like the freaky, uncontrolled flouting of decency which should please a pervert like me, but actually, it's quite disturbing. Sure humiliation and aggression are hot, but when every single fumble turns into a horrible guessing game where you're unsure whether you've stepped over a terrible moral line and are facing a court case, it's unnerving. Plus, what if she elevates the concept and gets into Rapex?

Stripping in front of me.
It's a bit like having someone read their poetry to you, you just don't know what to do with your face. Inevitably you end up contorting it into some phoney leer with your mouth wide open. Once dribble starts moving down your face should you wipe it off, or is it the exclamation mark on the end of the phrase "You're So Fucking Hot!"? Watching a non-professional strip for you is like when your mum gives you condoms when your fifteen.

Pretending to be a child.
More girls than you'd think do this. Is it because they're disturbed or do they really suspect that I'm a pervert? The problem with this one is that it definitely screams "I'm sleeping with a child", which is horrible. Also, if I do manage to stick with it and cum, then I'm going to feel like a monster once I role over. I feel depressed and drained enough after sex without knowing that you made me do it while pretending to be a peadophile. Frankly, I'm not gonna do it with you again unless you accept that we're consenting adults, I'm sorry if that's boring, it's just the way I am. I can't change that.

Sitting on my face.
It smells of shit up there!

No-one I've ever slept with has ever tried to piss on me, but if they did I'd probably explode.