Alex Avila Catches Foul Ball, Net Behind Home Plate Catches Him


This story is over 5 years old.


Alex Avila Catches Foul Ball, Net Behind Home Plate Catches Him

Alex Avila bounces off protective net to make a great and fun catch.

This looks like a helluva lot of fun. Mike Aviles's foul pop in the fifth inning last night took Tigers catcher Alex Avila all the way to the backstop, but he soon began to run out of room. Rather than watch the ball hit into the net for a harmless strike, Avila leapt and caught the ball (or smothered it and held on to it, anyway), using the protective net for fans as his own personal safety net.

I'm not sure we've ever seen something like that before, but hopefully this becomes standard operating procedure on similar foul balls. Look at the reactions from behind the net—the kid in the backwards hat, specifically—people eat this shit up.