This story is over 5 years old.


Stream Death Grips Upcoming Album The Money Store

The Money Store is open for business.

A couple of weeks ago, we brought you the premier of Death Grips’ seizure-inducing video project RETROGRADE, along with some first hand info on the band’s two albums planned for this year. Today, we get a full on experience of the first of these two records, The Money Store.

The record is out on April 24th, but in the tradition of the band’s DIY style, they’ve put all the songs up for stream on YouTube and Soundcloud, and even made a handful of them downloadable. With their incredible visual track record, this album leak marks the beginning of anticipation for their music videos for songs from The Money Store. Can we expect a higher budget since the band signed to Sony? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Death Grips was adamant that they’re aesthetic would not change as a result of their signing to a major, and with The Money Store as evidence, it sounds like they weren’t kidding.

But what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
