This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


Here's the first part of SSION's NYC odyssey, where they arrived to the city like a moth to the flame. Though they're all about destroying innocence and partying with underage teens, we do have to mention that there are some things you're not supposed to look at if you're not at least 18. So shoo, kids, back to your side of the street.

We had to wake up early so we could do a radio interview with American Apparel's Viva Radio. Rising pop star and American Apparel heiress Jonny Makeup did the interview. We discussed our favorite scenes from The Color Purple and made fart noises for 20 minutes straight until they cut us off. We played two songs and then got to go on a mini shopping spree. I went for the most expensive thing in the store, a winter jacket, and they wouldn't let me have it because it was too expensive. Go figure.


Met up with Alexis and Hunx, our back-up dancers from San Francisco, who flew into town to perform with us for the rest of the tour. I was so happy to be around my girls after being trapped in Dick City aka the tour van for the past two weeks.

It was also nice to do the show the way it was intended to be: gay as shit!

For CSS's set Alexis provided additional choreography from the window of our dressing room overlooking the stage.

Hunx and Zach falling in love all over again!

Courtney Love came out to show her support and sell merch. What a babe!

Meeting Carla aka Carlarella was the highlight of the evening.

She is the undoubtedly the most mesmerizing woman on the planet. She burst into our dressing room after we had played and demanded in broken English to get high. Security tried to remove her, but she was a force of nature that could not be tamed. We were instantly spellbound as she proceeded to show us the ways of the world.


Photos by Megan Mantia