This story is over 5 years old.

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Nintendo Switch Is a Console for Humans, Not Gamers

Could it fall on its face? Yes, sure.

Well here we are. The Switch, Nintendo's latest console, is finally here. The internet is flooded with detailed, measured reviews right now, so rather than publish another one of those, Motherboard decided to give the machine to the least professional member of its team, Editor-in-Chief Derek Mead. What is even more worrisome about this decision is that Derek expressed completely unqualified enthusiasm for the Switch as soon as it was announced, which is not exactly what you want in an impartial reviewer. Even worse, instead of writing a proper review, Derek instead decided to directly beef with Motherboard's resident hater Emanuel Maiberg over email, and publish that instead. What happened next will shock and amaze you. Read more on Motherboard
