Listen to This Maniac Scream During Virginia's Foul Shots


This story is over 5 years old.


Listen to This Maniac Scream During Virginia's Foul Shots

Here is that crazy person screaming during Virginia's foul shots as taken from inside the building. It is unbelievable.

You may have heard a bloodcurdling banshee screaming during most Virginia foul shots today and wondered to yourself: Giant, loud whistles. Jesus God, why? Same here, friends. Same here. You probably did not ask to hear what it sounds like from front court, but hey, we're here to provide a service and we've got an even louder version for you, courtesy of Ryan Fagan of The Sporting News.

The Michigan State free-throw screamer …
— Ryan Fagan (@ryanfagan) March 22, 2015

That is insane. How does anyone sit in the same arena as the person, let alone in the next seat? As of this writing, Virginia has shot 14-20 from the charity line, good for 70 percent. Maybe go quiet for the rest of the game and really throw them for a loop.

Update: Turns out the maniac is Michigan State senior Travis Trice's mother, Julie.