This story is over 5 years old.


Bills Get Taunting Penalty after Giving up a Touchdown

Rex Ryan has his Bills ready to talk some shit, anyway. The Pats lead 21-7.

Bills safety Aaron Williams earned himself a penalty for taunting after the Bills defense allowed a Patriots touchdown and extra point. If you don't know how that's possible, you obviously don't know Rex Ryan. The Bills were fired up to play before this divisional matchup and you could almost see glimpses of the old, brash Rex Ryan during the week. His players are excited to play, but the Patriots are dispatching with them with minimal effort so far.


Whether it's Gronk and Brady hooking up for big plays, or Julian Edelman slithering through the defense, or a series of bonehead special teams penalties, the Patriots built up a 21-7 lead just minutes into the second quarter. Williams is at the bottom of the screen wearing No. 23 and he is jawing with one of his former teammates and knocking helmets with him. Not sure why you'd be feeling strong after giving up a touchdown and extra point to go down two scores at home to the defending Super Bowl champs, but, there you have it.