This story is over 5 years old.


​Motherboard Wants to Send You to Space

This is not a test.
The Lynx main engine during testing. Image: XCOR Aerospace / Mike Massee

Space tourism is taking off, and you, dear reader, could be part of the first wave.

To celebrate the release of Interstellar, Motherboard has partnered with Fandango and Paramount to offer one lucky adventurer the opportunity to leave our home planet aboard an XCOR Lynx Mark II spacecraft.

Here's what you will experience: first, you'll train for the expedition with astronauts and other space travelers in a 4G simulator. Then you'll head down to the beautiful Caribbean island of Curacao where the spaceship will take off from a regular runway, powered by four rockets. Finally, you'll watch Cuba, Northern Brazil, and Panama disappear as you reach Mach 3 speeds within three minutes, replaced by the blue curvature of the Earth.

And yes, you'll be weightless.

The spacecraft is slated to reach an altitude of 100 kilometers, where the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale marks the boundary of space (and who are we to argue with them?) which means when you land, you can say you visited the great beyond with a dead-straight face.

We're fascinated by space here at Motherboard, and we're betting you are, too.The flight is scheduled for 2017. Sure, it's a ways off, but no one said being an early adopter is easy. And you'd rather they took the time to iron out the kinks, right? We are talking about space after all.

To enter the sweepstakes, head over to Fandango to register. No purchase needed. Open to US residents over 18 in possession of some serious moxie.