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Daily Horoscope: October 17, 2017

Mercury enters Scorpio today.

Communication planet Mercury enters psychic Scorpio at 3:59 AM, creating a shift around how we examine information and express ourselves. The Moon in Virgo meets Mars at 7:27 AM, boosting our energy. The Moon enters peace-loving Libra at 1:35 PM and meets with Venus at 9:57 PM, encouraging everyone to get along.

All Times EST.


Money and self-worth are topics of conversation that will come up now that Mercury is in Scorpio. Know your worth and ask for it!



Communication planet Mercury enters your sign today, Scorpio, helping you express yourself and making you even better at spying on people than you already are.


Give your mind a rest over these next few weeks, as the planet of information and communication, Mercury, goes through sensitive Water sign Scorpio. Secrets will be shared.


Expect to do more socializing over the next few weeks, as communication planet Mercury travels through Scorpio.


Messenger planet Mercury enters creative Water sign Scorpio today, activating the fame and fortune sector of your chart and bringing you news about your career.


Communication planet Mercury enters fellow Water sign Scorpio today, bringing you news from faraway places and helping you look at things from a new perspective.


Expect conversations about deep, private, intimate issues to come up, thanks to Mercury's entry into Water sign Scorpio.


Messenger planet Mercury enters Scorpio, your opposite sign, today, boosting communication between yourself and your partners.


Your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters creative Water sign Scorpio today, helping you get organized and keeping you busy at work. This is a great time to look for new opportunities.


Messenger planet Mercury enters fellow Water sign Scorpio today, bringing you news about a crush as well as some conversations about creative projects.



Communication planet Mercury enters sensitive Water sign Scorpio today, bringing news and conversations about home and family your way.


Your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters perceptive Scorpio today, bringing information your way. Expect lots of communication to go down in the coming weeks!

What's in the stars for you in October? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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