This story is over 5 years old.


I'm Possessed

Suliman Cassimjee is a South African man who lives in Sweden. In the 1970s, he met Lisa Anstrin and Kjell Westphal through a rehab program run by the Church of Scientology, and then sometime in the mid-80s, they began attacking him with their minds.

Suliman Cassimjee is a South African man who lives in Sweden. In the 1970s, he met Lisa Anstrin and Kjell Westphal through a rehab program run by the Church of Scientology, and then sometime in the mid-80s, they began attacking him with their minds.

ice: What were the first attacks? Suliman Cassimjee: I had been working with Lisa and her husband, and there was some kind of dispute. I made a very friendly offer, but I was met with an attack on my mind. It was more like a mental-health attack. I was caused to experience more worry than I’m supposed to have experienced. And the physical attacks? Yes, there are lots and lots of little things one doesn’t normally notice. For example, a person can be controlled to lie. To create trouble among friends or family. Do you remember an example of a time when that happened? Yes. It happened a few times, and I had to go back and tell the person, “Look, I’m sorry, I’m getting controlled.” One example was I went to see a relative, and I said something about how I am studying the sciences. But I’m not really. I wasn’t able to clear that up immediately. I’ve been trying to help my relatives understand the attacks. They don’t understand it? No, it’s very difficult, even though my mother was controlled. Her jaw was controlled to move up and down at times. She didn’t know what was controlling her. She thought it was just an illness. Can you tell me about a recent attack? These two are attacking me in the building. They caused the floor mat to age and to get ruined in a very short space of time. I was reaching for some tumblers to place into a container for the tumblers to be washed, but my hand was moved in another direction and knocked the tumbler to fall and break. Almost all my crockery was attacked to break, so I have no cups. I have one tumbler, one little plate… I have had to buy some metal things. Are you experiencing attacks right now? They’re attacking my hearing. How so? There are certain sounds being created in my hearing. They threaten that they will make a sound to make the children suffer. And these two are threatening me with this type of sound. What does it sound like? It’s like a child suffering. That sounds very difficult. It is very difficult. EMMA JACOB