This story is over 5 years old.


The Best Fan-Made Videos You've Ever Seen

Director Brendan Canty (aka Feel Good Lost) has charmed the pants right off of us with his vibrant music videos.

The democratizing power of the internet—namely, its ability to enable any middle schooler with a video camera and iMovie to create and publish videos online—has given us plenty of inspiring, refreshingly creative work. But let’s be real. Mostly, it’s just given us a lot of inane, amateur drivel shot on cellphone cams and posted to YouTube. Still, sometimes slogging through the barren wasteland of the internet’s vast (and yet rapidly expanding) video archive produces some fruitful results.


Case in point: Brendan Canty’s collection of vibrant, swoon-inducing music videos. The Irish video artist works under the pseudonym FEEL GOOD LOST and has released more than a dozen music videos, both official and unofficial, for bands like Moth, Slow Magic, Broken Social Scene, Panda Bear and Clams Casino. His experimental eye gives us a sunset-tinged alloy of spacious skylines and abstract light choreographies typical of the whole “chillwave” scene. It also utilizes the vertical ‘Rorschachian’ symmetrical aesthetic popularized by F**K BUTTONS and jpeg curators everywhere.

Our favorite FEEL GOOD LOST fan vids are below:

Panda Bear – You Can Count On Me

Slow Magic – Corvette Cassette

Clams Casino – I’m God

Moths – Summer