This story is over 5 years old.


The Best Sex You'll Read About All Year, From Broadly

Admittedly, 2016 wasn't the greatest year, but that doesn't mean we can't write sexy stories about sexy stuff.

A lot of important people died in 2016, but only one of them was truly sexy. How was Prince sexy? Let me count the ways: The almond-shaped eyes, his butt in a pair of high-waisted corseted trousers, the solid lantern of his jaw. [Editor's note: Come on, what about David Bowie?] Sexier even than his perfectly firm, peach-like ass was Prince's attitude towards female sexuality, which was always celebrated and never shamed. In honour of the late Prince Rogers Nelson, here are our favourite Broadly sex stories from 2016: The funny, the erotic, the thought provoking, and the plain weird. Enjoy.


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