This story is over 5 years old.


Hot Links: Super-Secret Cold War Program Revealed, the Most Extreme Headline Ever

Shark battling a whale spawns "one of the most aggressive headlines in history": File under 'Awesome': "Cold War scientists are now able to discuss":

Shark battling a whale spawns the most aggressive headline of 2012.

File under ‘Awesome’: Cold War scientists are now able to discuss the Hexagon spy satellite network, one of the most secret and successful programs of the Cold War.

Firebombs have not caused as much damage as they could have. Via the New York Times

Possibly anti-Muslim firebomb attacks have rocked Queens, New York.

Rick Santorum says he’d bomb Iran nuke sites.


Detoxing after the holidays won’t do you any good if you just get extra-hammered the rest of the year.

Rupert Murdoch is on Twitter. It’s apparently not going well.

Space refrigerators are imaging the moon. Via the BBC

I prefer twins: NASA has a pair of spacecraft circling the Moon.

Hasbro has put the kibosh on Bronies, a.k.a. My Little Pony-loving men like those we met at Comic Con.

A well-armed survivalist may have killed a park ranger in Washington.

The Center for Economics and Business Research says this 2012 is the year of the euro zone apocalypse.

A French-Algerian was murdered in Yemen.

Shred: The Mavericks big wave surf contest is now open.