This story is over 5 years old.


Chief Keef Brags About His Hustle on New Track “Get Sleep”

"When I’m rich as fuck, that be when I get sleep"
Lauren O'Neill
London, GB

While the rest of us have spent January in a weeks-long bleary eyed hungover state trying to adjust to the strange new world of 2017, Chief Keef is already on his second mixtape. Showing Guwop levels of work ethic, Keef released Two Zero One Seven on New Year's Day, and is already back with a new project – the adorably titled Thot Breaker. He also promises a third tape before the end of March. Maybe you could get, like, a productivity app on your phone? Idk. Last night, Keef dropped a track from Thot Breaker called "Get Sleep" vis WSHH. It shows him on a relaxed flow over a bouncy beat, and in all, it's pretty much a 3-minute long discussion of how hard he works, all in the service of the ancient art of getting money.  Listen to "Get Sleep" below:


(Image via YouTube)