This story is over 5 years old.


Now You Can Finally Own A Porsche (Thanks To 3D Printing)

The company offered 3D printing data for its Cayman S model
Lead image via

Porsches and life crises are two peas in a pod in our collective capitalist conscious. For 99% of the population that cannot afford a beautiful, bullet-shaped vehicle, the company has been nice enough to offer the 3D printing data for its Cayman S model.

From the company's site:

"A dream can only come true, if you give it a shape. Why not with your 3D printer? We offer you the Cayman S as 3D printing data. Feel free to get creative. Create, print and colorize your personal Cayman S. We would love to see the results: Just paste a link to your pictures as a comment to this post or use the hash tag #3DCayman"


Here's what your 3D-printed car should look like:

Image via

Though it may sound crazy to actually 3D print a car and be able to ride that whip, it's not impossible. Last year, a man from New Zealand began 3D printing all the parts needed to re-create the hyper-rare Aston Martin DB4, a car valued over $1.5 million.

The project only cost him $5000 for the plastic and printer, and he assembled the extra gear (windshields and whatnot) himself. While many DIY car designers build the body shape out of foam, this guy took things to the next level with his 3D printed beauty.

Similarly, news spread this fall that two twenty-year-olds were building a 3D-printed car called Urbee 2, and plan to drive it across the country with their dog. They even have a Kickstarter to fund their project, which sets to launch in two years.

Urbee 2 in its early stages

Urbee 2 finished (image via)

So Porsche might not be acting cheeky when it encourages fans to print its design. It's definitely possible. Just don't let your life crisis prevent you from moving forward with the task.
