Craig James is a Fucking Moron


This story is over 5 years old.


Craig James is a Fucking Moron

Craig James went on the radio and said some truly stupid shit about gay marriage and the pro sports teams who signed an amicus brief in support of it.

Craig James, he of killing five hookers at SMU fame, is still out there talking into a microphone, most recently with something called Right Wing Watch. James was on the program to talk about one of the commandments—though shalt not stand idly by while homosexuals ask to be treated like citizens of the United States—and dropped some knowledge about procreation. It may surprise you to learn that Craig James subscribes to the Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve school of thought. Allowing for any other point of view is "satan working on us."


The conversation was prompted by many sports teams, including James' former team the Patriots, signing on to an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage in an upcoming case set to be heard later next month. James' comments are a cocktail of stupid, invoking the sanctity of the locker room, the freedom of speech, and biblical science. James seems most upset about management telling the "believers" in the locker room to refrain from saying "anything about the other side." Which is a concern that has no basis in fact and even if it did, no right, including free speech, is absolute. if exercising my free speech infringes on yours, or your personal safety, for instance, a determination must be made. Nevertheless, he's worried that some like-minded player would be terminated if he didn't "remain quiet." Which is, again, not at issue here.

He's worried, by the way, because he's studied the bible. Craig James has been hitting the books and he has not been able to come across another relationship in the bible responsible for procreation other than Adam and Eve.

"It's a fact. The only proven relationship that has proven the capability of reproducing humanity is a man and a woman…and I'm in seminary now as you know and we just studied Genesis, heavily—broke it down—and I'm still seeing Adam and Eve. I have not seen any other approach to it."

This is exhausting. Marriage, it appears, is an institution created for the sole purpose of advancing humanity's dominance through procreation. All other rights or benefits flowing from that institution—created, codified and protected by man-made legislation—do not attach to similar relationships if you cannot procreate. So, sorry folks who got married and had to adopt, you've got to turn in your marriage cards. You too, in vitro fertilizers. And you guys going the surrogacy route, you better get in line behind the IVF folks, that's not the way Adam and Eve did it. Sorry, it's not me, it's God.

h/t The Big Lead