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Vice Blog


According to the internet, there are currently 11 Johnny Depps living and acting around the world. These foreign Johnnies can generally be described as actors who a) are cool, b) are talented, c) choose quirky roles, d) look good with long hair and...

According to the internet, there are currently 11 Johnny Depps living and acting around the world. These foreign Johnnies can generally be described as actors who a) are cool, b) are talented, c) choose quirky roles, d) look good with long hair and stubble, and e) are like, totally dreamy. As a one-off

Film Issue

special, here they are, all in one room for the first time ever. It's kind of like a Miss Universe for softly spoken rebels in denim jackets. Before you get cranky at me for daring to compare such mere mortals to the chameleon behind Captain Jack Sparrow and Gilbert Grape, these were the names that came up when I googled "The Johnny Depp of (insert country)." So don't blame me, blame the internet.

The Indian Johnny Depp: Aamir Kahn The Thai Johnny Depp: Ananda Everingham The Johnny Depp of China: Leslie Cheung (Deceased) The Spanish Johnny Depp: Jordi Molla The Japanese Johnny Depp: Tadanobu Asano The Danish Johnny Depp: Mads Mikkelsen The English Johnny Depp: Jack Huston The French Johnny Depp: Vincent Cassel The German Johnny Depp: Daniel Bruhl The Mexican Johnny Depp: Gael García Bernal