This story is over 5 years old.

Lil Bub & Friendz

Lil Bub & Friendz: Teaser Trailer

Recognize this guy? It's Lil Bub, the cat from the internet that makes everybody go: “oooohhaawwwwwmygggggodddd” when they see her divine countenance.

Recognize this guy? It's Lil Bub, the cat from the internet that makes everybody go: “oooohhaawwwwwmygggggodddd” when they see her divine countenance.

I have just discovered that if you walk around an internet cat convention in Minneapolis with this guy on your arm you become very popular with women who like cats; which is 98 percent of all women.

This is her “dad,” Mike Bridavsky, a genial late-20s Indianian who is responsible for the care of Lil Bub. He has a giant tattoo of Bub as Gandalf on his ribs. We just spent the weekend with him and the manifold, wondrous “internet cat people” of this enchanting city—the results of which you will see in a soon-to-be serialized feature doc on our VICE YouTube channel.

Here’s a very short lo-res behind-the-scenes clip of Lil Bub, hanging out with her freshly tattooed dad Mike and the People’s Choice Award Winner (the Golden Kitty), William Braden, who made “Henri 2, Paw de Dieux,” the most popular video of the convention. We made it into a trailer this morning in the hope everybody would go nuts about it and pass it around to their friends. Don’t disappoint us.

See where the VICE + Bub love originated HERE.