This story is over 5 years old.


Why it's so hard to get the power back on in Puerto Rico

It has been three months since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico. Why is it so difficult to get power back on in Puerto Rico?

On the three-month anniversary of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico is still struggling to turn the lights on. At least a third of the island is still living in the dark. Initially, the hope was to restore power to 95 percent of the population by mid-December. Now, Army Corps say it won't be back until May.

Hurricane Maria destroyed 80 percent of the island’s electric grid, but the unprecedented blackout isn’t just due to the storm — human beings played a role here, too.

VICE News traveled to Puerto Rico to figure out why it's taking so much longer than expected. We spoke to the new head of PREPA, the island's public utility company; embedded with the Army Corps of Engineers; and spent time with Puerto Ricans, who are starting to lose faith in the recovery.

This segment originally aired December 20, 2017, on VICE News Tonight on HBO.