
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, November 2020

You're making huge changes this month!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

Welcome to Scorpio season! The sun is shining down on the sector of your chart that rules your hopes and dreams for the future, and since Scorpio is the sign of transformation, you’re envisioning a radical change not just for yourself, but for society, too. You’re in the mood to socialize and connect with people who share your passion for the causes that are important to you. 

Mercury retrograde in Libra clashes with your ruling planet Saturn in Capricorn on November 1, and will do so again on November 6, after Mercury ends its retrograde on November 3. The end of Mercury retrograde means we can finally move forward with conversations that have been brewing over the last few weeks, especially concerning your career. Old opportunities have popped back up for you to retry—like missed connections, but with your public life. You’re thinking back to September 23 as Mercury clashes with Saturn early this month, struggling with similar delays in communication or a heavy mental atmosphere. You have very high standards, but there’s no reason to be hard on yourself.


Venus in Libra has found you feeling especially popular and has been good for your reputation and career, and it opposes Mars retrograde on November 9, finding you releasing something from your past. You haven’t forgotten where you’ve come from, but you are ready to move on. The sun connects with mystical Neptune in Pisces on November 10, bringing a whimsical, imaginative energy, a boost in your intuition, and inspiring conversations! Mercury enters Scorpio on November 10, which is fantastic for networking. Look out for exciting invitations!

Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn for the third and final time this year on November 12. Think back to April 4 and June 30 as similar breakthroughs are taking place, and this is the beginning of a new journey as you step into a greater role of responsibility. You may find yourself ready to move on from relationships as you grow out of your past and step into something more suitable for yourself, as this activates your axis of self/others. It may feel like there’s a lot happening at once and like there’s no information about how things will end up, so stay present in your body, don’t rush to making decisions, and most importantly, reach out for help!

Mars ends its retrograde in Aries on November 13, pushing things forward in your home and family life. You can finally move past domestic drama and address things with more maturity and understanding. The sun mingles with Pluto and Jupiter on November 14, bringing you to a position of power in a group or organization you belong to. Lead the way!


The new moon in Scorpio lands on November 15, bringing a new cycle to your social life. Pay attention to the friends and community members that enter and leave at this time. This new moon also finds Venus squaring off with Pluto, which could add a tinge of jealousy and obsession to the energy. It’s frustrating not to know what the future will bring, but new moons are famously hazy in that way, being that they are the mark of a new start—anything is possible, which can be overwhelming! Control issues may come up, but remember that manipulative or shady behavior is not OK, so if you notice any of that, bring in an unbiased third party to help. You may find that someone is jealous of your success. Are you trying to make people jealous? You might want to present yourself a certain way online, or become frustrated with your influencer lifestyle. Venus clashes with Jupiter on November 16—enjoy the exciting rewards that come your way this time, but try not to show off too much and watch out for over-indulging.

Unexpected news arrives as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 17, finding you thinking back to October 7 and 19. Unexpected drama in your social life, love life, or artistic endeavors may come up, so have a backup plan! The sun and Venus align with Saturn on November 19, creating a solid energy for communication, and urging us to get clear on our values. This is a solid time to connect with friends and associates, but take your time choosing where you want to take things publicly or professionally. Draw up a plan, but don’t announce it just yet! Something else could easily pop up. This isn’t the coziest day to cuddle up with a lover, but it’s a fine time to focus on making plans and accomplishing goals.


Venus enters Scorpio and Sagittarius season begins on November 21! Venus in Scorpio finds you especially valuing the intellectual connection you share with your partners, and Sagittarius season invites you to catch up on much needed rest. You’re feeling popular, but the universe is asking you to turn off your notifications and clear your mind. You will make exclusive plans with only the most important connections.

Mercury and Neptune make a harmonious connection on November 23: Mercury is the planet of logic and Neptune of imagination, making this a helpful and inspiring moment for communication. This is a beautiful opportunity to resolve issues and talk things out; you’re enjoying a major boost in your intuitive abilities, and some deep, emotionally clarifying conversations take place. You’re ready to listen to your friends and help them with their problems.

Mercury is all about gathering information and as it connects with Pluto on November 27, access to hidden materials becomes available—this is a juicy moment in your social life. You know something that not everyone else does, and this is something that gives you power. Also on November 27, sweet Venus opposes electric Uranus: We’re craving freedom and some unexpected turns may take place, especially in your love life. This is an excellent time to experiment, either in the bedroom or with your creative pursuits!

Neptune retrograde ends on November 28, finding you in a day-dreamy mood. Take time away from screens and let your mind rest. It’s like you to always be “on” since you’re so hard working, dear Capricorn, but this is your time to drift off just a little. Mercury connects with broadminded Jupiter on November 28: Mercury wants the details, but Jupiter is all about the big picture, and there’s harmony between the two as they make a helpful connection! The mood is optimistic and open-minded. Big ideas are shared that will have a helpful impact on your communities. You are an important asset!

A lunar eclipse in Gemini arrives on November 30, bringing a radical change to your daily routine. This is a highly emotional period and unexpected information is likely to surface. There’s a fated feeling to eclipses, like what takes place during them is meant to be. They mark major transitions in our lives, and you may be wrapping up an important project or a new job could come your way. You’re also deeply reflecting on themes concerning health and wellness. Mercury connects with Saturn on November 30, creating a supportive energy for making future plans.

Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in December!