
Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, September 2020

Happy solar return, dear Virgo!
Virgo and Libra
Robin Eisenberg

Happy solar return, Virgo! You’re feeling reinvigorated, full of purpose and passion, and ready to tackle the next year! You’re a humble person, but with the sun shining in your sign, you’re encouraged to show off a little bit. You’re accessing tremendous power on September 1 as your ruling planet Mercury connects with Pluto in Capricorn, boding especially well for communication in your love life and creative endeavors. Juicy information is shared. You’re learning exactly what you need to know to get what you want, and you’re feeling especially convincing! 


A climax takes place in a situation that’s been brewing in your relationships thanks to the full moon in Pisces on September 2. Pisces is your opposite sign: While you’re down to earth, Pisces lives in dreamland. Compromising between fantasy and reality is a big theme at this time. What you and Pisces have in common is your desire to help others; this full moon reveals which people share your values in this regard and which relationships are mutually supportive. 

There’s a serious tone to this new moon as sweet Venus in Cancer opposes taskmaster Saturn in Capricorn, and there’s an inflexibility in your social life and your love life. In fact, rejection may be in the air! That said, this is a powerful time to have honest conversations about what you need from your commitments and to discuss standards and expectations. A release of some kind of agreement may take place. Something that used to be valuable could lose its importance. 

While Saturn brings in restrictions, Uranus is the planet of liberation and it will also be active during this full moon as it makes a harmonious connection with Uranus in Taurus, finding you making unexpected journeys, having surprising conversations, or having a philosophical breakthrough of some kind. Helping move conversations forward is your ruling planet Mercury’s helpful connection with Saturn on September 3, encouraging productive energy around discussing plans and details.


Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Aries align on September 4. Mars in Aries finds you tackling complicated financial issues like debts and taxes, but on an emotional level, it’s helping you cut yourself off from the past. This isn’t about forgiveness or closure; those things are totally great, but Mars in Aries is straight-up cutting things off and moving on fearlessly without looking back. Its supportive connections with communication planet Mercury and with love and money planet Venus will find you making clear moves toward what you want—and verbalizing what you don’t, with no apologies. Keeping things amicable is Venus and Mercury’s connection, which finds you receiving wonderful support from your network.

Conversations about value, news about money, and paperwork concerning these themes get kicked up as Mercury enters Libra on September 5, but you’re in a rather private mood, craving a secret getaway, perhaps with a lover, as seductive Venus enters Leo on September 6. With logical Mercury and sensual Venus in these signs over the next few weeks, you will find amazing ways to make your fantasies come true. Things you only ever imagined may finally materially manifest!

The sun connects with Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars retrograde begins on September 9, bringing a boost in confidence; however, you may experience an overall dip in energy, or a feeling of wanting to pause before moving toward an unknown future. There’s so much in flux and you just need to hit the pause button. A big celebration may take place as the sun and Jupiter connect, but with Mars retrograde in Aries, you may be feeling like you need to reconsider what you’re letting go of and what direction to go in. Practically, this may manifest as you realizing that the money you want to spend on something may be better put toward a debt.  Emotionally, an apology you’re willing to accept may require more thought, exploration, and consideration before you can honestly say, “Apology accepted.” 


Mars is the go-getter of the zodiac, but its retrograde can be a time of temper tantrums, frustrations, delays, and arguments. Consciously channel the energy by being aware that everyone is on edge and that things may need to be redone or reconsidered at this time. Mars is a planet concerned with anger: Reflect on your own rage and consider ways you can productively and healthily express it at this time.

The sun opposes Neptune on September 11, making for hazy communications and a feeling of deflation, nostalgia, or weepiness. Clarity in relationships is lacking, and this isn’t a great time to discuss commitments, but Jupiter ends its retrograde on September 12, so even though things may feel sluggish, a feeling of expansion and creativity is also growing. The sun connects with Pluto on September 14, inspiring passion and deep bonding: True selves are being shown, loved, and respected. Unexpected gifts arrive as Venus clashes with Uranus on September 15, but so do some unexpected bursts of envy!

The new moon in your sign, Virgo, arrives on September 17, plus Mercury clashes with Jupiter and the sun connects with Saturn, making for a busy day. New moons are all about fresh starts, so treat yourself to a brand new journal, give yourself a trim or a cleansing spiritual bath, and mark this as a brand new start for yourself. You’re probably feeling unsure about the future, and that’s OK—the slate is blank during the new moon, and this is the time for you to dream up new possibilities. 

A lot of talk will be taking place as your ruling planet Mercury, the planet of communication, squares off with Jupiter, the planet of growth and exaggeration. Conversations about money, your love life, and even your creative projects are being pushed to the next level. Helping you feel supported is the sun’s helpful connection with the planet of structure, Saturn. Important information is revealed as Mercury clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, on September 21—it will be hard to keep things secret at this time! A shift in energy takes place as Libra season starts on September 22, finding the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules wealth and abundance, finding you focused on building security, sorting out your budget, and investing your money, time, and energy into things that are important to you.

Your ruling planet Mercury is especially active toward the end of the month as it clashes with Saturn on September 23, opposes Mars on September 24, and enters Scorpio on September 27. Difficult decisions concerning boundaries, separations, and standards in your love life, creative pursuits, and financial relationships take place, but Mercury’s entry into X-ray vision Scorpio boosts not only your psychic ability, but also your amazing powers for research and your communication with others. The information you need is accessed. Helpful energy flows on September 28 when Venus and Mars mingle, helping you correct something that needs to be smoothed over. Mars is retrograde, finding people agitated, so Venus’s cooling balm will be a blessed gift. Wrapping up the month, Saturn ends its retrograde and clashes with Mars on September 29, finding us thinking back to hurdles from August 24: A way around them, or simply more information about how to deal with these obstacles, may be realized now. 

Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in October!