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Make A Dali-esque Melting Clock [Instructables How-To]

Surrealist accents for your living room.

The highly recognizable and imitable Salvador Dali painting, The Persistence of Memory, is the inspiration behind this week’s Instructables How-To. We’ve all seen the poster version hanging in countless dorm rooms throughout the years, and we’re no stranger to bowls crafted from old records, but this fusion makes for a highly functional and aesthetically pleasing home accessory…not to mention a perfect gift for the psychotropic-friendly, art buff, or nostalgic vinyl lover on your list.


-An old floppy record
-Baking sheet
-Cheap clock (like the $2 Rusch clock from IKEA)
-Level table with a straight edge
-Glue gun
-Heavy-duty scissors

Step One: Choose and Bake
Find a cheap and floppy PVC record at a thrift store, or from your collection, that you won’t mind never listening to again (this example uses an old Barry Manilow record). Preheat your oven to 220F (100C) and place the record on a baking sheet in the oven.

Step Two: Shape
Let the record bake for a few minutes before taking it out and hanging over the side of your straight edge. Make sure the alignment is to your liking, as the plastic will cool quickly. The oven should do a pretty good job of warping the vinyl, but feel free to add your own curves, or reheat until you get the right effect.

Step Three: Dissemble the timepiece
Pry open the cheap clock and take the clock movement and hands out of it. Make sure to ditch the noisy seconds hand if a ticking clock drives you crazy. Take your scissors and trim the hour and minute hands to fit nicely on the label of the record.

Step Four: Glue in the movement
Using the record’s needle hole as an anchor and center point, glue on the hands and movement and let dry.

Step Five: Drill and Hang

Drill a small hole big enough to accommodate a nail through the horizontal part of the clock.

Pick a spot, hammer the nail through the vinyl, sit back, and fade through time.

Visit the Instructables How-To for further instruction and for tips on where to buy materials.